Monday, June 4, 2012

Want to, but cantaloupe

This is actually a plastic cantaloupe! Real ones are too $$$ right now!!!

My husband has one more week of school left.  Now that the summer is coming I realized that I will have less control over what he eats - because he will not be forced to eat what I pack him for lunch.  So this got me thinking.  I try to focus on the healthy things he does love to eat -  one being cantaloupe.  I know that if I buy a cantaloupe and don't cut it up - it will never get eaten.  My thought for the summer is to buy his favorite fruit, cut it up and put it in a Pyrex air tight container - so he can just take what he wants out of the refrigerator. 
Pyrex BPA free container

Air tight seal - keeps food fresh for a very long time
Over the weekend I went with good intentions to Marc's Grocery store to buy a cantaloupe.  I was surprised by the price - $2.99.  I have bought them in the past for as low as .99 cents.  I asked the produce manager why they were so high in price this time of year and he said the American growers try to make the most money early in the season.  Cantaloupes come into season beginning in June and going through August.  To stay within a budget I try to buy the cheapest produce that is in season. So I did not buy a cantaloupe.  Instead I bought another of my husband's favorite - bananas.  I also bought some oranges. He doesn't traditionally eat oranges - however if I peel one and put it in his lunch he will eat it. I have one more week to pack his lunches for school so that is what I did. He may not like it as much as cantaloupe - but that is what he will be a eating today!

Check out this link to a great page about Cantaloupes. 

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